Monday, September 22, 2008

Exercise 18 - YouTube

You Tube is very familiar to me, I've often watched comedy or music clips on it. I've also watched informative vids as well. Its a great medium.
I looked at the library YouTube vids, and most were very informative and entertaining.

I also had a look at genealogy tutorial vids. One of the YouTube vids I thought was very informative was on creating an iGoogle page for your GMail account. You can set your iGoogle page up, to have "RSS" type feeds coming direct to it, so whenever you log into your GMail account, you can see what's new in your subject of interest.

Of course my passion is genealogy, so setting this up, with the genealogy websites that I currently belong to, would save me surfing to each page every time I wanted an up date.

Excellent idea!

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