Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Having a play!

Well, I've had a wee play around. Changed the template on my Blog page. I've altered the order of the page elements. And altered the colours on the background and the types: heading, subheadings and text. I have a pink and red thing going on as you can see.

The controls are easy enough to mess around with.

I've also added a link to the NS Libraries Facebook page, and may add others as I think of them. I've been interested to see what other Bloggers have done with their pages. Some of them are quite personal, adding pictures of their children for the whole world to see.

I have similar types of photos in my own Facebook page, I have to say. But these can only be viewed by people who I give permission to – not the world's multitudes!

I just saved this post, and went back to visit my Blog. Then had a little panic when I couldn't find the draft again. Fortunately, I found it easy enough - didn't take too long. But I'm sure you are familiar with the vague panic you get, when doing something new "oh, no - where is it? Have I lost it?"

I wanted a profile pic to go with my identity and the name of the Blog. Having found a suitable image (thank you Google Images), I added it to my profile.

I thought "Following the White Rabbit" was a suitably creative name for the Web 2.0 process. Alice, after all, was very curious – followed the White Rabbit, even though she didn't know where he was going – and learned lots about herself along the way!

Anyway, I am sure that I will fiddle around loads more with the look of my blog! Once a designer, always a designer!


Fastandfurious said...

Thank you Flopsy Mopsy for your thoughts on being a "learn as you go", pretty much my sentiments on learning anything. I struggle with reading the instructions and just want to hurry up and do! Ps Love the Pink!

NSL Training Support Team said...

You are going to be very busy Flopsy Mopsy but it looks like you're all under control!
Your blog is looking wonderful and there are going to be plenty more things to comment on as we go. Enjoy!